GridKicker, LLC is a 2 year company in the solar and storage marketplace whose founders together have over 60 years experience in the Renewable Energy Industry, specifically advanced solar and storage. GridKicker, LLC is manufacturing the GridKicker portable solar generator, which is currently being used in the field for various applications requiring generation and storage in one portable and powerful device.
In 2018 the Portable Solar Generator (PSG) Market reached a value of $391.5 MM. By 2024 it is estimated to be at $555.5 MM, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6%. The GridKicker is at a unique advantage in this market, as the overall engineering, design, and performance of the device exceeds its competition.
Following the successful launch of the GridKicker, the Company will follow up with additional versatile solar and storage products, which can be viewed above.
Through 2020, over 29.4 GW of new storage capacity is expected to be deployed worldwide across all sectors, with a CAGR of 60%.